A consonant blend is a group of two or more consonants together [in a word] in which each letter can be heard. The bl in blue, the cr in crown, and the sc in scar are all consonant blends. The most common consonant blends are: L-blends, R-blends, and S-blends.
L Blend – blue / clown / flame / glide / plane / slide
see below
R Blend – bridge / crown
see below
S Blend – scar
see below
By blending consonants in this exercise your student will become aware of the individual letters in each blend when they occur at the beginning of words. This will allow them to read and pronounce longer words. Consonant blends are usually taught in Kindergarten or 1st Grade.
Download the SKP Lesson Flip Book for L-blend Words (includes lesson instructions)
Consonant Blend L-Blend Instructions and Flip Book for L-Blend Words {Bl} {Cl} {Fl} {Gl} {Pl} {Sl}
Download the SKP Lesson Flip Book for R-blend Words (includes lesson instructions)
Consonant Blend R-Blend Instructions and Flip Book for R-Blend Words {Br} {Cr} {Dr} {Fr} {Gr} {Pr} {Tr}
Download the SKP Lesson Flip Book for S-blend Words (includes lesson instructions)
Consonant Blend S-Blend Instructions and Flip Book for S-Blend Words {SC} {SK} {SL} {SN} {SP} {ST} {SW}